Frequently Asked Questions

Why would someone choose to be a Lifetime member over paying for a Summer membership?
Summer memberships will be sold at the highest possible market rate with no transferable value or
voting rights. Rates will increase over time. The benefits of owning a Lifetime membership are that
profits from Summer memberships will be used to reduce your annual operating dues and the value
of your membership should increase over time. In addition, Lifetime members can sell their
memberships, deed/sell them with their house, sublease their membership, etc. In other words,
members can utilize the full value of their membership similar to the decision to own, versus rent,
your home. If you intend to hold your membership for a long period of time, it is cheaper to purchase
instead of paying summer costs year after year. When your family is done with your membership, you
can recoup part or all of the costs by selling the membership. Also, the decision to sell Summer
memberships will be reviewed annually and could stop at anytime.

Once the membership capacity is reached, lifetime memberships will only be available when a
current member is willing to sell thus causing your membership to increase in value. (Supply and

Lifetime transferable memberships have value because when your family no longer desires to use the
pool facilities, you have the option to sell it for the fair market value or lease it to recoup part or all of
your initial investment. A few members have purchased multiple memberships as long-term
investments and lease them annually.

Annual Operating Dues include expenses incurred while running the pool: pool staff payroll,
insurance, pool chemicals, utilities, property taxes, licensure, ground maintenance, telephone,
cleaning, office supplies, marketing, pool opening/closing, repairs, and minimum loan payments.
In 2006, the membership voted to include an assessment.
Pool membership does not pay for any swim team expenses. The WAVES swim team is self-funded by the team registration fees and fundraisers.

Since you own your membership, you can lease it to a third party at any time. A new lease application needs to be completed each year. As a Lifetime Member, you can go to your Member Portal page and click Lease My Membership to fill out the request form online

Your membership can be sold at any time for its fair market value. On the pool’s website you will find
the necessary paperwork entitled: Lifetime Transfer Form and the Westfield Pool Membership form
(for the new owner). Complete both forms and mail to: Westfield Pool,
1515 Westfield Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526.

Membership information can be updated through the membership portal if you are logged in.
Annually verify your family information.
If you need assistance email –